Written by: Promise Edem Nukunu (MD, BS.Dent/Psyc.T)
A Christian sister in a certain Church got pregnant,
the Church decided to discipline her since she was not married.
When the elders of the Church met her, she told them
she has stayed in the Church for years and no one is marrying
her hence she is almost reached the period of
menopause were she could not get pregnant if married.
For that matter, she went in
for artificial insemination since she wants a child. She provided the
medical documents which showed that she has done the artificial insemination without
getting married.
The Sister is pregnant. Could there be an act
of fornication or adultery!!!.
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figure 1 |
Artificial insemination, also known as intrauterine
insemination (IUI), is a medical procedure in which a man's sperm is
implanted (placed artificially) in a woman's uterus at precisely the
right time and in precisely the right location in order to increase the chances
of pregnancy. As a matter of generalization, this process is used when the
sperm count is not sufficient (i.e when there is an infertility problem on
the side of the male) to allow pregnancy or there is some physical or
psychological problem involved in sexual intercourse. Although this
process is not clearly described in the Bible, a biblical
principles can still be derived and utilize regarding
the subject matter.
The phenomenon of pregnancy is purported
by God to occur within the adherence of marriage between a man and a
woman, who are lawfully married to each other. Human
race was charge by God in Genesis by the declaration that
Adam and Eve were to multiply, increase and fill the
earth. Apparently, according to the Bible, pregnancy is to occur between
the man and a woman who are married to each other. Sexual relations outside
of the marriage relationship are either rape, adultery, or
fornication. God condemns these as being morally wrong and thereby sinful.
If the married couple is having a problem getting
pregnant and artificial insemination is recommended by a medical officer,
then it is acceptable under the following conditions.
A) Only the sperm and egg of the married couple
are involved.
B) Fertilized eggs are not intentionally lost
or destroyed.
C) Both have consented for such procedure to
take place.
D) There is a clear indication of inability to
conceive via the natural order or couples prefer it to use such method.
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figure 2 |
From my perspective, As long as both the egg
and the sperm are from the same married couple, then I can see no problem with
this process. After all, both the egg and the sperm belong to the married
couple, and not from outside that marriage bond. If the married couple
accepts the sperm from another man (a man outside of the marriage bond with
that woman), then she is inviting the intrusion of another man's seed into
herself. That is an Adulterous occurrence. If Jesus pointed out that it's not
just sleeping with another man’s wife qualify for an adultery however, a
mere thought and lust about such act is enough for you to have committed adultery.
Hence the same way, this can be liken to the case of
Adultery. . .
not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5: 27-28
Today, there are lot of medical interventions
available for both married and unmarried persons who wish to give birth. And
among such is in vitro fertilization, in vivo and surrogacy, which means
making a contract with a woman who agrees to become pregnant and deliver a
child for you. As an advice, we must be careful among other things what we
accept. The choice of this must be considered in the context and content of
marriage. But in the case of surrogacy, it’s neither here nor there. In
surrogacy, choice of such act could be in vivo, in vitro or natural coital
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figure 3 |
The single lady who went in for artificial
insemination, that’s in this case, using another man’s sperm to fertilize her
egg. There is no idea as to whether the man’s sperm for which you receive is
single or not married. If such a person is married, then the lady has committed
an act of adultery. On the other hand if the man is unmarried and single then
there is an act of fornication, hence getting pregnant and carrying his seed.
In what desperation will an unmarried lady seek for
such procedure if not married as a Christian. Let consider the psychological
issues. The child future demands in the quest to find his true paternity
background. What will the lady tell his/her child? will you show the child
another man who may not be responsible as his/her father?
Will the child accept the outcome and live with the
trauma of born as a bastard? These are but few questions which probably may
need an answer. Let us not use short term gratification/solution to answer
problem/needs that require a long lasting solution.
In addition, if the process of artificial
insemination involves the fertilization of many eggs with only one being
implanted in the womb of the mother, this is not acceptable since the other
fertilized eggs must then be discarded. This is not an acceptable option
for a Christian couple since it risks destroying human life.
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figure 4 |
Christian marriage is a covenant between the husband
and wife before God with people as witnesses. This covenant is taken
seriously by the Lord. It should also be taken seriously by the
couple. God knows all situations and circumstances. If a Christian
couple cannot get pregnant and if the only way the wife can get pregnant is
through the donation of sperm from a man outside of the marriage bond, then it
is best to avoid that pregnancy. Otherwise, the couple is inviting into
the woman's body the seed of another man -- which is adultery. If the
couple desires to have children, they should adopt. This prevention of
pregnancy could be a means by which the Lord arranges for couples to adopt,
thereby, taking care of other children.
Some claim that using another man's sperm to
impregnate a woman is not morally wrong because there is no physical act of
adultery involved and there is no intention of
adultery. Again, others may say, if the husband agrees, then how
could the impregnation be adulterous?
We must be very careful to not let situational
ethics govern biblical principles. God has ordained that husband and wife,
a married couple, be the bearers of children within
that covenant bond of marriage. Whether or not the physical act
of adultery has occurred or not does not excuse the fact that the sperm of
another man has entered the body of a woman to whom he is not married.
2. https://www.slideshare.net/Mevelle/artificial-insemination-9986645
figure 1
3. http://www.womens-health-advice.com/assisted-reproductive-technology/artificial-insemination.html
figure 4
4. http://www.peoplenewstime.com/artificial-insemination-ups-chance-of-successful-pregnancy-by-22/
figure 3
5. https://carm.org/what-does-bible-say-about-artificial-insemination