Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Written by: Promise Edem Nukunu
                     Ag. Secretary-General
                     PeaceAids International

She is an agent of change and she save her society from extremism and terrorism. She cannot be relegated from the peace process and the need to fight for her society, community, nation and the world. Her name is WOMAN.

Counter terrorism practice may be divided into two major formats: hard or soft approaches de-radicalization. The soft approach targets the individual perpetrator and involves the family and community members keen on changing the radical mindset. However, much of this approach does not consider the potential for women to significantly engaged in counter terrorism (CT) efforts.

Terrorism eradication efforts have long been considered the exclusive view of men. This comes from the assumption that terrorism, like war and violence, is primarily the per view of men. However, certain groups today involve women in terrorist activities, as seen with the group Boko Haram and the Pakistani Taliban. The latter of the two claims to have prepared 500 female suicide bombers for terrorist acts. In some cases, women’s inclusion in the criminal act of terrorism has increased its effectiveness. Reasons for this include the idea that women are considered more loyal to their duty, and that they are viewed with less suspicion by security forces. This counters the assumption that terrorism is the exclusive domain of men. 
However, women cannot be relegated as not part of the peace  building and countering extremist.They can also be valuable agents in the peace process. The Liberian Peace Movement led by Leymah Gbowee is one example. Under her direction, the movement mobilized thousands of women protesters against the Liberian civil war, employing acts of silence, advocating against violence and even denying men sexual relations. This movement contributed to the civil war’s end in 2003. However, when women have returned to the traditional realm and left the peace process solely in the hands of their male fellows, results have not been as expected. 

In Graeme C.S. Steven’s work, a research associate at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews, and Rohan Gunaratna, head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University, have stated that terrorism is a unique form of political violence. It is a political campaign backed by threats and acts of violence. It must be systematic and deliberate, and seek to influence a wide audience by generating fear. It targets civilians to gain political control of the public. 
However, in the perspective of Steven’s and Gunaratna’s definition, terrorism can be divided into two forms, the first of which is domestic terrorism. This refers to acts of terrorism committed within the a country’s territorial borders. The second is international, which refers to acts of terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country
In contrast, the Indonesian Government also defines terrorism as follows:
“Any person who intentionally using violence or threats of violence create and/or intended to create an atmosphere of terror or fear against the widespread nature or cause casualties mass, by depriving of freedom or loss of life and property of others, or cause damage or destruction the vital objects strategic or environmental or public facility or facilities of international”An intentional act of violence or threats of violence intended to create an atmosphere of terror or fear among target populations. The acts cause injury and loss of life, including mass casualties, as well as damage to property, including destruction of vital strategic, environmental, public and international facilities. 
What leads people to commit acts of terrorism? Research shows certain factors that compel people to join terrorist groups. Among these are: 1) belief in the group’s cause; 2) sympathy with group’s aims, ideology, religion, or politics.; 3) a sense of injustice, combined with anger and a desire for revenge; 4) hopelessness, often for economic reasons, such as unemployment, lack of education, and denial of social recognition and acceptance; and 5) failure to achieve political goals by political means.
Another concept comes from Sri Yunanto, who is on the staff of the Indonesia National Counter terrorism Agency (BNPT). He has stated that the root of terrorism can be divided into three factors: 1) ideology, 2) non-ideology, and 3) history. In Yunanto’s view, the ideological root emerges because people deny the moderate Ulama interpretation of jihad(the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin or struggling in achieving internal peace as Allah pleases) . They tend to use “jihad” to as a war term. He sees the non-ideological factor as coming from those who are marginalized from national political power. The historical factor, in his analysis, comes from the idea of Indonesia’s war of independence, fought for centuries against Western nations. It originated from the idea that radical action is needed to obtain independence, and that Western countries always have negative intentions toward Muslims.

Further research conducted by Abu Rokhmad shows that the concept of radical Islam may have spread because of a lack of religious knowledge and provocative materials that have been published/distributed.

In light of these various concepts and causes, there are a number of different measures available in the fight against terrorism. They include both defensive measures to reduce vulnerability to terrorist acts and offensive measures to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism. They include: 1) political actions, 2) punitive measures, 3) employing the legal system, 4) military operations, 5) using intelligence agencies, 6) enforce restricted movements, 7) police operations, and 8) counter propaganda activities.

Considering these measures, women can be engaged in counter terrorism activities in a variety of ways. As mothers, and in their traditional status, women have important roles within the family, particularly in children’s character formation . In the community, women have a great impact on and access to community information. Women also possess diverse perspectives that can be applied to problem solving and can complement the work of men. As seen in cases listed above and throughout this paper, women deployment as main agents for conflict resolution promises enhanced results. These roles can be applied to their involvement in anti-terrorism task forces, law enforcement, and decision making processes. In this article, the focus is on enhancing women’s role in defensive measures, particularly in the de-radicalization and peace building process. 

The strategy of countering terrorism can be classified into hard and soft approaches towards de-radicalization. The hard approach focuses on developing the security system and law enforcement. This method considers terrorism an illegal criminal act because it causes both physical (facility destruction, loss of life) and psychological damage (raises the fear of the people, decreases investment, harms the economy, discourages tourism).
Its implementation involves the judicial branch, intelligence agencies, police forces such as Detachment 88, the National Counter terrorism Agency (BNPT), immigration and military resources, etc.
The soft power approach involves all stakeholders: government, formal education, religious, and community. Inter agency cooperation on the anti-terrorism campaign includes religious, regional, community, and ethnic leaders, and both convicts and former convicts.
The soft approach also places personal attention on convicts, as well as their families, offering to cover the costs of their children’s tuition, wives’ employment, and even their weddings in order to counter negative socioeconomic influences.

The cases show that the higher women can rise, the more they open the system to new points of view. This not only provides women a better bargaining position and prosperity, but also the entire family. 

Women are the natural teachers for their family and children, so they play a vital role in influencing their families. To create moderate perspectives, women must be be inculcated in a moderate education within a moderate environment,. 


Written by PromiseEdem Nukunu
Ag. Secretary-General, PeaceAids International

Violent extremists are “individuals who support or commit ideologically-motivated violence to further political, religious or ethnic goals.”
When extremism, blindfold us, all what we see is violent and destruction and such an act threatens world peace. All men are created equal but for different purpose and everyone is entitled to the fundamental human right, Not only for one violent extremist or the other. I am not a Muslim and I am not an Islamic scholar. I am not a religious expert. I am writing as one of the world citizens. My role as a humanitarian from reading and observing religious activities around the world, as well as my work as a Ag. Secretary-General of PeaceAids International has taught me that there is so much negatively skewed ideology or unfairness done to Muslims whenever we equate terrorism with Islam. I am not saying all Muslims are saints and there’s nothing wrong with the religion. Every religion has it’s problems. I am only talking about tagging and generalization (Kindly take note).

Nana Ansah Kwao hosts “That’s My Opinion” On September 24, 2015, Nana Ansah Kwao had a very enlightening discussion on his Thursday afternoon show, “That’s My Opinion''. A show he normally host on Joy FM every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm. ” His topic was, “Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorist claim to be Muslims.”
The topic and the subject are very receptive, and required a lot of tactfulness in order not to hurt the sensibilities of Muslims, especially on such an important day as the Eid-Adha. However, for those who listened to the show it was clear that Islam is not a bad religion. Muslims are not bad people. Like any other religion, Some people have used the religion to advance their own murderous causes. The media have not helped. The words “terrorists” and “militants” are hardly used these days without Islam. That was what the show sought to dispel and it is first rated when such enlightenment is coming from a non-Muslim.
In a bid to address such issue and to prevent violent extremist, i write to voice out my concerns towards a fairer and peaceful world.

When someone takes a weapon e.g. gun, goes to a a gathering perhaps a market or night club and starts killing people, the media call him a “gun man.” When he is overpowered, they recommend a psychiatric assessment either for suspicion of Bipolar disorder or otherwise and they will later report of how he was abused as a child and how that might have influenced his violent behavior and attitude.
This same action was seen when a young man rose one day to shoot the president of republic of Ghana during a church service and later was subjected to psychiatric investigation and hence his discharge.
If the suspect bears a Muslim name, however, the narrative is different. He is labeled an Islamic terrorist even before he is arrested. It is that simple!
For this reason, perhaps, many people who have not had any negative encounter with Muslims are quick to tag them as violent. Recently when I was thinking about this unfair labeling and negative reportage, one question came to mind (As I agree with Manasseh Azure, when he pose similar questions): “If Dag Heward Mills of the Light House chapel International, Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyina, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and Bishop Obinim of the International Godsway Church were Muslims, which one would we say represents Islam?
If you don’t know about these three Men of God, let me give you a little background. Apostle Opoku Onyinah is one of the respected clergyman in Ghana, in my perspective. He has used the pulpit to shape the conscience of many Ghanaians. His much wisdom has been an ever-flowing fountain for those who cherish wisdom. His ministry has impacted millions across the globe with churches all over the world. He has always condemn church leaders using questionable ways to perpetuate God's anointing and miracle.
Bishop Dag Heward Mills is also one of the respected clergyman in Ghana, in my opinion. He has used the pulpit to shape the conscience of many Ghanaians and Africa. His much knowledge and demeanor has been a bed rock for those who cherish wisdom. His ministry has impacted millions across the country and beyond. His contribution in engaging in community development and human resource development is much to be applaud which include building of hospitals, Schools etc.
As the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Opoku Onyinah’s church has also helped in the development of the nation. Pentecost Convention Center and The Pentecost University College established by the church is one of Ghana’s Largest social, conference and one of the good  universities respectively private while a number of charity initiatives by the church provide social services such as healthcare and water. The church also provides scholarships for needy children, including Muslims.

Bishop Daniel Obinim, on the other hand, is noted for his “miracles” and “healings.” His name, however, connotes other crude manifestations of the Christian Faith. To me, i see his actions as a cheap propaganda way of parading Christianity and to foster his own conceited agenda. In one video, he is seen kicking the abdomen of a pregnant woman he claims to be healing. This act is not only barbaric but a crude action against humanity and foster maternal health mortality which is also against United Nations Sustainable development goals. In another video, he strips a man who is said to be impotent, and in the full glare of the church and cameras, holds his penis as he prays. This is real violent extremist.
In 2014, he descended into the ditch with some people who had chided him in the media.If vulgarity and domination of foul language were gifts of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Daniel Obinim could be said to be very gifted and talented in them. In the presence if his congregation and TV cameras, he slighted and cursed all those who had issues with him. He once stormed the studios of an Accra-based radio stations to attack people who were criticizing him on a live programme. These are only a few of his pastoral aerobics/gymnastics.

Now get this: Bishop Dag Heward Mills, Apostle Opoku Onyinah and Bishop Daniel Obinim are both Christians. They both use the same Bible. So if someone wants to describe Christians, would he or she be fair to say that all Christians are like Obinim?

 To kindly serve as a reminder, in case you are not aware, Bishop Obinim’s actions are very mild if you compared him with some other Christian leaders and their weird doctrines. A Brazilian pastor asked his church members to suck his penis because it contained some kind of milk from the Holy Spirit. They obeyed. A South African pastor asked his church members to eat grass and they did. A Nigerian pastor impregnated over 20 members of his church and said he had been directed by the Holy Spirit to do it. Some pastors and churches also subject members suspected to be possessed by the evil spirit to torture and physical abuse. A pastor told his members he had to lash them with cane and they obeyed and another pastor asked his member to naked themselves any time they come to church, because, he claimed ''everyone was born naked''. Other religious leaders still operate in the old law, ‘’a tooth for a tooth’’ and an eye for an eye’’ taking the law into their own has threaten the rule of law.  Whiles the new covenant teaches that, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, perhaps some preachers still holds on to the old law ; a tooth for a tooth , an eye for an eye. For me, this is not Christianity but rather, a different theology being preached altogether of which I termed as, ‘’REVENGE CHRISTIANITY’’ and extremist. This is inimical and hinder progress and threatens world peace.

 It is obvious these so-called pastors are doing abominable acts that are alien to the religion they profess to follow. But do we see all Christians in the light of only the bad ones? The answer is no. At least, that’s not how the media tell us.

“As extremists try to inspire acts of violence within us and our sub regions, we must respond with the strength of our communities, with the respect for the rule of law, and with the conviction that rational Muslims or Christians, traditionalist or pagans, Jews or gentiles, Buddhist or Confucians, are part of our family and struggle to fight this extremist.” 
      Promise Edem Nukunu
        Ag. Secretary-General
                                                                   PeaceAids International

The same cannot be said of Islam. If Bishop Dag Heward Mills, Apostle Opoku Onyinah and Bishop Daniel Obinim were Muslims, I am sure we would use Bishop Obinim to represent Muslims and ignore the likes of Bishop Dag Heward Mills, Apostle Opoku Onyinah who are transforming society through the Word of God.

Religious extremism is hurting the world today. And it is not only in Islam that we find extremists. There are extremists in Christianity too. As Manasseh Azure narrated his experience, ‘’In 2014, I walked into a thick forest near Oyibi here in Accra. In that thick forest live some Christians who see the rest of the world as sinful and refer to it as Sodom and Gomorrah. They live in simple tents and grow mushrooms to survive. Speaking to them, I realized that they were not gullible illiterates, as one would imagine. Some were university graduates. A director of the Ghana Education Service and tutor of a senior high school was there in the forest. I also met a very intelligent lady who had left her job as a lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Languages and is living in that forest with her husband’’. Well if this is not extremism, I do not know how else you will refer to it.? Should we abandoned our houses and lived in the jungle at the expenses of making the so called religious leaders lived well before, we realized we are worshiping God?
Some pastors, go to the extreme to tell their followers to given them their vehicles or houses claiming to be a direction from God.

There are different manifestations of religious extremism. Whiles society metamorphosed, they still hold onto, old ideologies and to achieve their old parochial interest. They are locked in psychological dungeon and paralyzed in the mind to initiate their brain crippled ideas. I really remember, when the bibles states, ‘’Behold that all things have become new.

The old has passed away’’. Such church leaders as extremist want to counter it and operate on their self insular interest and formulations. For those linking theirs with Islam, their mode of operation is mostly violent. To defeat religious extremism, we need to condemn the actions of the extremists without crucifying their religion. To make an antidote for a snake bite, you do not kill the snake to heal the person, but rather you get the venom/serum to prepare the antidote. The same way, you cannot treat malaria infection by killing the mosquitoes that bit you, rather you destroy their breeding grounds and take a drug or vaccine purposely design for your system. When we attack the entire religion we make the good adherents of that religion defensive and we push moderate devotees of the religion to become extremists. When people feel threatened, they get defensive. Offensive to be more aggressive and agitated. For example; how do you feel, when you did something wrong, and your colleague result you connecting to your parents, probably insulting your mother? Bad!! Exactly what I mean.

There are thousands and millions of Muslims in Ghana. They co-exist peacefully with Christians and members of other faiths. Just recently a group of pastors and imams met to sign a peace declaration. Why do we have to look to Syria or Nigeria to conclude that Muslims are violent or terrorists? What about the peaceful ones at home? There are probably more human rights abuses by Christian churches in Ghana than by Muslims. Extortion in churches and maltreatment of the vulnerable people in prayer camps abound in many communities. Do we single out such individual pastors and churches for condemnation or we condemn Christianity in general?
‘’While such money minded church leaders sometimes embezzle church money, others are not accountable to anybody since the church is their private company. After, acquiring money from such questionable sources, these church leaders usher themselves into gratuitous materialism. They are also usually caught up in the trap of Neophilism, which is  the excessive love of new things. This, they do, by purchasing the latest cars, musical instruments, dresses and many other things. Before long, such pastors and church leaders are caught in the web of consumerism, which describes the effects of equating personal happiness with purchasing material possession and consumption. For such pastors and church leaders, there is nothing like ‘’Godliness with contentment...’’ ( 1 Timothy 6:6). They project their affluence to the masses to suggest to them that material acquisitions is a sign of God’s blessing irrespective of how it was acquired.’’

A  research will show that the likes of Boko Haram, Al-Qaida  and Islamic States are not fighting the cause of Islam. They are only using religion to fight purely political wars.
Other powerful western countries are partly responsible for what is happening. The Arab world has a lot of oil and so they are interested in what goes on in those countries. In the name of entrenching democracy, they adopt divide-and-rule tactics to set various sects of the religion against one another for political gains. Sometimes the so-called Islamic terrorists are a creation of the West.

The very rebel forces the Super Powers of the world gave deadly weapons to fight President Assad of Syria are the same people who are beheading, torturing and killing innocent people like animals. Their actions have nothing to do with Islam, except to use the religion as a way of attracting more extremists. Nigeria’s Boko Haram have killed more Muslims than people of other faiths. If they were Muslims fighting to entrench Islam, they would not be killing and bombing Muslims.

We can defeat religious extremism. The way to do it is not to label everyone of that religion with the same brush. The only way we can get Muslims to boldly condemn and disown those visiting terror on the world in the name of Islam is to appreciate the fact that not all Muslims are violent.
 The National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osman Nuhu Sharubutu in Ghana with President John Mahama (President of the republic of Ghana)  has publicly condemned religious extremism and intolerance

If religious extremism can end, we must stop the greed, injustice and hypocrisy. Whatever time we may have to devote to the discovery and exposure of the weakness and fault of others we will you will have to devote, more profitably to the discovery of your own. Do not let your brain be the receptacles of people’s rubbish and deceitful acts. We must stop tagging a whole religion as violent. Doing so means accusing the very people who can help to end the extremism.
Hypocrisy and injustice on the world stage is what has set the world ablaze with unending conflicts. The Western powers are quick to go to Libya and kill Gadaffi like an animal because he did not uphold the principles democracy and human rights. But those same countries do not see anything wrong with Saudi Arabia, where women are not allowed to drive cars or vote in elections. In the period when Islamic State militants started beheading people, Saudi Arabia is said to have beheaded more people over various offenses. Do Saudis not have human rights?

 Let’s again look at this people Bishop Dag Heward Mills, Apostle Opoku Onyinah and Bishop Daniel Obinim. All are Christians. They serve the same God. They use the same Bible. They all says they operate with the same Holy Spirit. In Utmost outlook, no religion can be mark as bad in the world. We only have bad followers. We can fight terrorism by uprooting the cause. What could cause the young university graduate from the Kwame Nkrumah University to join a terrorist group? Is it because he is a Muslim? No! but it’s because of his own conceited ways and false doctrine. Being with Muslims, I know Islam means ‘’peace’’, unless otherwise connoted differently a new and crafted meanings. Violent extremist just to fulfill their evil acts just like in every other religion, pastors and church leaders hide behind the pulpit to orchestrate their dubious agenda in the name of church. And so does Muslims in the name of Islams. Let all come together in a symphony of brotherhood and (of cause in sisterhood) to champion and respect the rule of law to foster unity and prevent violence. 

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Written by: Promise Edem Nukunu
                    Ag. Secretary-General
                    PeaceAids International

When we rise in the morning and listen to the radio or read the newspaper, we are confronted with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters. No former generation has had to experience so much bad news as we face today; this constant awareness of fear and tension should make any sensitive and compassionate person question seriously the progress of our modern world.

Some of these, arise, as a result of religious differences. People of other faiths, recognized others as inferior or less. Who created Religion? The wars, in the Saudi, Eastern and South Asia has a religious connotations. The Northern part of Nigeria in West Africa is no differences. Muslims extremist kills Christians and Christian extremist hates Muslims. Typical Christians cannot publicly declare their religion in some part of Islamic states and vice versa.
Are this people really following the teachings of the religion they profess to follow? The Bible and the Qu’ran concurrently talks and reject hatred and non-violence but some of it followers ignore this but rather practice their own self adopted religion.
We must recognize that, God never created religion. He created man kind for worship. In the creation story which the Bible talks about, it states  ‘’ let us create man in our own image and likeness’’ the Bible never stated ‘’ let us create man in the image and likeness of religion(Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, Hindu, Traditionalist, Pagan, etc). God recognizes that, humanity supersede religion - the medium of worship. Today, human being has connote their religion to all kinds of philosophies and ideologies. An attempt by other fellows to demystify or override turn to an offense of the said fellow. But should it be like that in the first place? I guess no!! I believe we can lived together in a free society were we respect each other not because we want to but because, we are created by one God. Let the Muslim goes to his mosque, and the Christian goes to his church.Let the traditionalist goes to his Shrine and let the Buddhist bow to his god. 

The Qu’ran, in Al-shura 42:13. He has ordained for you the same course of faith as He enjoined on Noah (to adopt), and which We have revealed to you, and it is that (same faith) which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, Jesus, so keep the faith and do not differ in it. (He ordains you) to establish obedience (to Allâh) and not to be divided (in sects) therein. Hard upon the polytheists is that (teaching) which you call them to. Allâh draws (him) towards Himself who wishes (to be drawn to Him), and guides him to Himself who turns (towards Him with a sincere heart).

it (Qu’ran) states, ‘’it does not only recognized the truth of all other divine books and religion but urges Muslims to believe in their divine origin of their teachings and thus to take an effective steps to promote peace and harmony with the followers of other religion’’

The  Qu’ran asserted, judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism etc, are but a different aspects of one and the same religion which in it original sense connote to one agenda - submission to the will of God and to make peace with God and people. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Rama, Buddha or Confucius, all were the prophets of God (May
Allah be pleased with them all) and were sent for guidance of their respective people. The Qu’ran conform to the truth of all faiths and people of other believers’’

We cannot remain, in the battle of religious differences but rather recognizing that, we are one in the human race, recognized by God a such. The Bible made it clear, Jesus Christ did not come to die for only one religion, but for all humans, because, we all have sin.
We must remember, when there is an invention, you used it regardless, of the person’s believe perspective or religious origin. All over the world, i persistently make this clarion call for as to unite in a symphony of brotherhood and sisterhood; Either Muslims, or Christians, Traditionalist or Pagans, Buddhist or Tibetan, Confucius or Hindu, protestant or
Catholic, Jews or Gentiles. We do this because, we know the universal power; the power we can achieve through unity. We do this because, we know, we’re the wonderful work of a marvelous creator.
At least, i know, no one religion has thought their followers to practice evil. Only the followers can inculcate evil in their practice. The Bible never did that, and so is the Qu’ran or the writings of other religions.

The Bible asserted in Ephesians book chapter 4 verses 30-32, ‘’Do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit, by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 instead, be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Jesus Christ has forgiven you’’

 Although, i recognized individual difference and the fact, that we all (to some extent) are products of different background, as far as geographical location is concern, we can still live in harmony. Others may be, psychologically impaired as far as health is concern. Whiles others are psychologically impaired not because of a health anomalies or disorder but as a result of their own parochial and self seeking interest. They plan their own evil agenda to harm the world. To such people, we can come against them by uniting to bring them out. We are more than them.
Albert Einstein asserted ‘’ the bad people rule because the good people (like you) are seated
unconcern during nothing’’. I am not speaking fiction but a reality that all this is achievable. Science and technology is good and has helped man in it diversity, It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. Science and technology have worked wonders in many fields, but the basic human problems remain-Peace. There is unprecedented literacy, yet this universal education does not seem to have fostered goodness, but only mental restlessness and discontent instead.

I am sure that many people share my concern about the present worldwide moral crisis and will join in my appeal to all humanitarians and religious practitioners who also share this concern to help make our societies more compassionate, just, and equitable.From this perspective I share with you - that:

Ø  Universal humanitarianism is essential to solve global problems; Compassion, justice and the rule of law are the pillars of world peace;

Ø  By far the greatest single danger facing humankind - in fact, all living beings on our planet - is the threat of war and terrorism

The world is becoming smaller and smaller - and more and more interdependent - as a result of rapid technological advances and international trade as well as increasing trans-national relations. We now depend very much on each other. Today we are so interdependent, so closely interconnected with each other, that without a sense of universal responsibility, a feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and an understanding and belief that we really are part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence - let alone bring about peace and happiness. Whiles, some recognized this, other religious extremist and terrorist override this belief.

One nation's problems can no longer be satisfactorily solved by itself alone; too much depends on the interest, attitude, and cooperation of other nations. A universal humanitarian approach to world problems seems the only sound basis for world peace, it because we recognized that no man is an island. Whiles, others work to bring about
religious indifference, the practitioners of different faiths can work together for world peace when we view different religions as essentially instruments to develop a good heart - love and respect for others, a true sense of community. The most important thing is to look at the purpose of religion and not at the details of theology or metaphysics, which can lead to mere intellectualism. I believe that all the major religions of the world can contribute to world peace and work together for the benefit of humanity if we put aside subtle metaphysical differences, which are really the internal business of each religion.

Hatred and fighting cannot bring happiness to anyone, even to the winners of battles. Violence always produces misery and thus is essentially counter-productive. It is, therefore, time for everyone and world leaders to learn to transcend the differences of race, culture, and ideology and to regard one another through eyes that see the common human situation. To do so would benefit individuals, communities, nations, and the world at large.

 The achievement of justice, harmony, and peace depends on many factors such as good governance, rule of law and the principles of universal declaration of sound moral justifiable human right. Human qualities as morality, compassion, decency, wisdom, and so forth have been the foundations of all civilizations. These qualities must be cultivated and sustained through systematic moral education in a conducive social environment so that a more humane world may emerge. The qualities required to create such a world must be inculcated right from the beginning, from childhood. We cannot wait for the next generation to make this change; the present generation must attempt a renewal of basic human values. If there is any hope, it is in the future generations, but not unless we institute major change on a worldwide scale in our present educational system. We need a revolution in our commitment to and practice of universal humanitarian values.

Living in society, we should share the sufferings of our fellow citizens and practice compassion and tolerance not only towards our loved ones but also towards our enemies.
This is the test of our moral strength. We must set an example by our own practice, for we cannot hope to convince others of the value of religion by mere words. We must live up to the same high standards of integrity and sacrifice that we ask of others. The ultimate purpose of all religions is to serve and benefit humanity.
But, the embracing of a particular religion does not mean the rejection of another religion or one's own community. In fact, it is important that those who embrace a religion should not cut themselves off from their own society; as in the case of certain extremist, who sees the rest of the world as evil.
In this regard there are two things important to keep in mind: self-examination and self-correction. We should constantly check our attitude toward others, examining ourselves carefully, and we should correct ourselves immediately when we find we are in the wrong.

Blog: peaceaidint.blogspot.com


Written and posted by: Promise Edem Nukunu

The great violinist Paganini was performing before a most distinguished audience. Suddenly, one of his violin strings snapped. The audience gasped. But the master musician continued unruffled to play on the three remaining strings.
Snap! A second string broke.
Then, with a sharp crack, a third string broke!
For a brief moment, the artist stopped, raised his famous Stradivarius violin high, and with one hand announced, "One string -- and Paganini."
With outstanding skill, he finished the selection on a single string. His performance was flawless, and the audience gave him a tumultuous standing ovation.
There will be times in your life when one string after another will snap. And you will go through circumstances that might tempt you to give up. But if you maintain a positive attitude, you won't allow yourself give up.
Here are My Top 4 Ways to Creating an Unbeatable Positive Attitude That's Invincible to Failure - No Matter What:
1. Stay calm.
When the tough times come into your business or into your life, it's easy to get angry, agitated, or scared. This won't help you. In fact the more emotional you get, the less capable you become.
Instead, you must force yourself to remain calm. Not only will your calmness allow your mind to work, but it will also reinforce your own positive attitude. It's a way of re-affirming that you can handle it.
2. Refuse to blame anyone or anything for your problems
It's easy and natural to blame someone else. After all, your company, your boss, your parents, your friends, and your spouse might even deserve some blame. Nonetheless, a critical step in attitude development is refusing to blame. Even though it may be justified, don't do it.
The problem with blaming anyone or anything for your problems is that it doesn't work. It doesn't change anything. It doesn't make anything better. All blame can do is keep you stuck in a rut or make you spiteful. I guarantee this won't turn you into a winner. It's not going to help you achieve peak performance.
3. Focus on the positive.
There's always some good in a bad situation. And there's always some bad in a good situation. It's the Yin Yang effect. So, what do you choose to focus on?
An old ditty says it this way:
"As you go through life, brother,
Whatever be your goal,
Keep your eye upon the doughnut,
And not upon the hole!"
Some people focus on the hole. But the strategy seldom if ever works. You've got to stop keeping track of the negatives.
Perhaps you've noticed. On a bad day, some people tend to count every irritation or inconvenience that occurs. They'll burst out with, "This is the third time today something like this has happened." Yet seldom on a good day do these people say, "This is the third time today something great has happened." Keeping track of the negative simply gives you a weak and defeated negative attitude.
If you want to achieve peak performance, you must focus on the positive like Frank did, even though his constant optimism irritated his friends. No matter how horrible the circumstances, he'd remark, "It could have been worse."
To cure him of his annoying habit, his friends decided to invent a situation that was so bad, so terrible that even Frank could find no hope in it.
On the golf course one day, his friends said, "Frank did you hear about Tom? He came home last night, found his wife in bed with another man, shot them both, and then turned the gun on himself."
"That's horrible," Frank said. "But it could have been worse."
"How could it possibly be any worse?" his friends asked.
"Well," Frank answered, "If it had happened the night before, I'd be dead."
4. Refuse to use a loser's language.
The happiest, most successful peak performers whether in life, in sports or in business are those people who refuse to use a loser's language. They know that words precede results. They know if they talk like a loser, they'll end up losing. But they know if they refuse to acknowledge defeat, they cannot be defeated.
It's like the little boy who walked onto the baseball field saying, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." He threw up the ball, swung, missed, and said, "Strike one." He threw up the ball again, and once more he swung and missed, and said, "Strike two." He did that for three strikes in a row.
At that point he picked up his bat and ball. With a smile on his face, he walked off the field and said, "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world." He refused to use the language of a loser. He only talked about winning, and so should you.
The Time to Develop a Positive Attitude is Today,
So You Can Achieve Peak Performance Tomorrow
Tough times will come. You may get knocked down at work or in life. But with the right attitude, using the four skills I just discussed, you can get back up. You can get back on track toward success. And you can reach optimal peak performance.

THE ENERMY CALLED MEDIOCRITY; The magic of thinking big and why you should set big goals

Written by: Promise Edem Nukunu

Whiles, they say THINK BIG, others, perhaps the average men, are satisfied with the old order of doing things. They are comfortable in their environment unaware of the things going on around them.
This is the central message; Think big. For instance, when you want to buy a bicycle,  It is better to think of buying a vehicle. Every single thing a man conceive is achievable.

Do you think big and set big goals? Or you think small and set goals you are comfortable with pursuing? Well, in this article; I am going to share with you some reasons why you should think big and set big goals.
 “I intend to be, the richest man in the world.” – Howard Hughes
One of the common traits shared by the drop out billionaires and richest people in the world is the ability to think big and set big goals. Now let me give you a practical illustration demonstrating the power of thinking big. Laskhmi Mittal built the largest steel producing company in the world; Mittal Steel.
Mukesh Ambani built the biggest refinery in the world; Reliance industries. 

Aliko Dangote is Africa’s greatest industrialist and largest cement producer. He is also planning on building the largest refinery in West Africa. Donald Trump is one of the biggest real estate developers in the world.
“Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And that gives people like me a great advantage.” – Donald Trump
Ingvar Kamprad built the largest furniture making company in the world; IKEA. Jeff Bezos built the world’s largest bookstore; Amazon. Do you think these accomplishments were a result of luck? My answer is no. These great entrepreneurs had every reason to settle for less but they pressed on for bigger goals. If they hadn’t planned to be the biggest; they probably wouldn’t be there.

“I was worth about over a million dollars when I was twenty-three and over ten million dollars when I was twenty-four, and over a hundred million dollars when I was twenty-five and it wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money.” – Steve Jobs
My motive for writing this article is to challenge your perception. I want to use this article as a medium to open your mind to the tremendous power that lies in the art of thinking big. If you are an ardent reader of this business blog, then I believe you are aware of my personal goal to become a billionaire. I personally took up that goal because I love thinking big.

“I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.” – Donald Trump
Now why should you think big and set big goals? The following tips will help change your perception towards goal setting.
“I think I am very goal oriented. I’d like to win the America’s cup. I’d like Oracle to be the No 1 software company in the world. I still think it is possible to beat Microsoft.” – Larry Ellison
Why you should set big goals as you think big.
1. Thinking big forces you to challenge conventional wisdom
Most people have been unconsciously programmed to abide by tradition and a certain mindset. Anything outside this mindset of theirs is termed “impossible or outrageous.” Examples of statements portraying conventional wisdom are:
  • Go to school so you can get a good job and be secured.
  • Don’t stand out from the crowd; blend in.
  • Humans can’t fly.
  • Be contented with what you have.
But when you think big; you force your mind to challenge such limiting wisdom and your brain begins to fashion a way out. If the Wright brothers hadn’t thought big and set big goals; humans wouldn’t have been flying today in airplanes. If Columbus had agreed with conventional wisdom that the world is flat; I wonder what would have been of international trade today.
If Bill Gates had followed the conventional wisdom of “go to school and get a job”, I doubt if he would have been one of the richest men in the world. So never accept conventional wisdom without first giving it a thought. Think beyond conventional wisdom and it will be so.

2. Thinking big challenges you to go beyond your comfort zone
“Being first is more important to me. I have so much money. Whatever money is, it’s just a method of keeping score now. I mean, I certainly don’t need more money.” – Larry Ellison
When I set the goal to become a billionaire in my life time; I knew I was going way out of my reality. I felt uncomfortable because that goal seems like impossibility but I set it anyway and today, I am on the journey towards achieving such goal. That’s why I love thinking big and setting big goals; it pushes me beyond my own realm of possibilities.
Now let me ask this question: have you ever been to heaven before? What real life proof do you have that heaven exists? Is heaven not beyond human reality and understanding? Yet, billions of people hope and pray to enter heaven; a place they are not sure even exists.
To me, wanting to go to heaven is a big goal which is absolutely okay but what baffles me is that while people are comfortable pursuing the goal to make heaven, they feel awful setting a big goal to be accomplished here on earth. Don’t be in this group; learn to think big for yourself.

3. Thinking big stirs your passion and enthusiasm
How do you feel when you set a big goal? If you feel awful that you are gunning for something big, then you need to have your head re-examined. But if you feel excited and motivated, then you are on track. A big goal is meant to fire up your enthusiasm regardless of how challenging it is.

4. Thinking big unleashes your creative instinct
Thinking big unleashes your creative instinct and helps you uncover ideas that will help you achieve your goal. When the Wright brothers toyed with the idea that humans could fly; their minds came up with the possibility of such idea becoming a reality.
When I set the goal to become a billionaire; I initially doubted the possibility. But as my mind began to absorb the goal; I began to see the possibility of achieving the goal and my mind came up with a lot of creative ideas that will help bring that goal to reality.

5. Thinking big challenges you to expand your means; rather than live below your means
Have you heard the statement: “live below your means? Well, there’s nothing wrong with such statement but I believe that perception is for small thinkers and average achievers. Big thinkers don’t live below their means; they expand their means to suit the lifestyle they desire. Big thinkers are not contented with average results; they aim for excellence. So would you rather be a big thinker or you prefer to live in mediocrity? The choice is yours.

6. Thinking big gives you a purpose to live and die for
Thinking big and setting big goals give you a purpose to live and die for. It gives you something worth pursuing. When John F. Kennedy set the goal to put a man on the moon; it became a purpose he live for and today, he’s remembered for that goal.
When the Wright brothers conceived the idea that humans could fly; it became their life’s purpose. When Christopher Columbus set the goal to sail round the world despite the risk based on the assumption that the earth is flat; it became his life purpose. Every man has a purpose on earth; but you can only discover yours if you think big.

7. Thinking big eliminate impossibilities
Lastly, the true magic of thinking big is in the breaking of impossibilities. Thinking big makes the impossible possible. That’s why Adidas said “impossible is nothing.” This statement is only true if you think big and go for it.
To many, the goal to become a billionaire is out of their reality and an impossible mission. But to me, it’s achievable because I have a perception that accept big challenges. So when next you think about setting a goal or executing a project, think big and your thoughts will be brought into existence.