Written by: Promise Edem
Well, i may not know your situation now, But i know you can gather the courage and move out. You may murmur and perhaps retort in your mind, Edem, you don't know what am going through that is why you could say this. Well it seems you’re right but I will tell you what I do not know.;
• I do not know why, you claim you have all the certificates and you sit down idle
•I do not know why you are educated as far as schooling is concern and you don’t want to think.
•I do not know why you always want to complain
•I do not know why, you allow only mediocrity to dominate your life.
•I do not know why stepping forward has been difficult for you.
• I do not know why, hardworking, positive attitude, are virtues alien to you to emulate
•I do not know, why Africa should suffer, whiles you have the solutions
•I do not why...
•I do not know why elected public officials defraud their people by betraying the trust imbedded in them Whiles you sit down doing nothing. Silence, adamant, inaction all this are not more than cowardice. The bad people rule because,the good people like you are seated unconcern
•I do not know why Most Africa nations wallow endlessly in the vicious cycle of poverty & suffer in the midst of plenty of rich soil.( the gold, the diamond, timber, the oil, platinum, etc.)
•I do not know why Integrity, honor and truth are virtues alien to our African leaders. It is because you and I allow them to.
•I do not know why; if you fail you give up so easily
•I do not know why, you think success comes over night.
•I do not why, you refuse to use your gift but rather hide it.
•I do not know why, you rather want to go outside Africa before you act.
•I do not know why, you say, the right time will come.
•I do not know why, all the time, you allow precious time to pass by.
•I do not know why, you would rather, spend all your time in meeting friends but to rather invest and nurture your gift.
•I do not know why, you spend all the moment in a night club rather than thanking nature and for that matter, God for his gracious gifts, using it to affect humanity.
•I do not know why, you will sit behind television all day long. Where ever you find yourself, thank God for it. And move on. Dear friends, In your own small way, decide to make an impact. In my previous book DRIVING INTO GREATNESS; I had written, ‘’the fail of a great mind marks the beginning of another great mind, it could be you’’ and that is exactly the way it should be. Though others had left and gone, the world and for that matter your family, society, Africa and the world is waiting to celebrate your uniqueness. Behold do not wait for favorable conditions before you act. The time is now. You will never get that favorable period and eventually you will die with the idea you are pregnant with. And guess what, unfortunately, there is no labor ward in heaven.The world would be angry with you. Never has there been a time more favorable to pioneers than the present. True, there is no wild and wholly west to be conquered, as in thedays of Covered Wagon; but I know there is a vast business, financial and industrial world to be remolded and redirected along a new and better lines; perhaps as it has started in the technology and information age. In planning and thinking to acquired your share of todays’ world, let no one scorn your dreams. To win the big stakes in this changed, fast growing technological and innovative world, you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers of the past, whose dreams have to civilization, all that it has of value.The spirit which serves as the life blood of our own country- your opportunity and mine, to develop and market our gifts as well as our talent. Let’s us not forget, great people are the ones who really use their gift, and you and I had always take pleasure in. they start and when life’s turbulence hit them, they do not stop, but rather they trust God for a bounce back. Among these people are Thomas Edison, the inventor of the incandescent bulb, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, though his teacher use to call him ‘stupid’ but his stupidity has become a great asset to the world, Prof. Azumah Nelson- a boxing legendry in Ghana, a onetime super feather weight champion, ……..
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