Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Wrtten by: Promise Edem Nukunu

The article is base on the 3rd fight ( chapter 3) of my latest book titled - FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM.
This chapter is based on gathering, classifying, testing and organizing the nine factors disturbing the nation. In my labor i have received valuable assistance in person to a large extent by interviewing the following men and women personally:

Prince Kofi Amoabeng ( C.E.O, UT Bank and holdings) 
Dr. Gifty Dansoa Anti ( C.E.O, GDA Concept and host, of The standPoint show)
Alhaji Asuman and Ahmend Bandah ( C.E.Os, Antrak Groups and Bandex respectively)
Hon. Dr. Nii Oakley Quaye Kumah ( Former Deputy Minister of Roads and Highways)
Hon. Ahmend Arthur ( MP, Okaikoi South consistuency)
Albert Ocran, ( Author, Speaker and C.E.O, Combert Impressions)
Dr. Michael Agyekum Addo ( C.E.O, Kama groups of companies)
Ama K. Abebrese ( Actress and Host, of TV 3 Newday show)
Prof. Azumah Nelson ( Boxer, Super Featherweight Champion)
Kweku Sintim-Misa, (KSM) - Author, Comedian and Host, Thank God is Friday.
Patrick Otieku-Boadu ( Author, Speaker and C.E.O, of SpearHead Consult)
Kwame SefaKayi ( Speaker and Host of Krokokoo show, Peace FM)

Whiles every attempt has been made by the author to research extensively to present the information herein to readers, it is the view of the author that, it considered a such.

Genesis 25:23a …Yahweh said to her, “Two nations are in your womb. Two peoples will be separated from your body…’’ the nations describe people, and individuals. This nations ( individuals) are being influence by forces that is inimical to their growth. We talk of peace and refer to it as
the absence of war. In many cases, what we termed us the absence of war is what is threaten by many group of people. A nation cannot be abundantly blessed with rich mineral and natural resources and yet remain poor. Ironically, in the mist of abundance there is misused of resources.

No one is kept poor because other people have monopolized the wealth and have put a fence around it. You may be shut off from engaging in business in certain lines, but there are other channels open to you. At different periods the tide of opportunity sets in different directions, according to the needs of the whole and the particular stage of social evolution which has been reached. There is abundance of opportunity for the person who will go with the tide, instead of trying to swim against it. Perhaps a nation could not be kept down by their colonial masters once independence is attained; they are not being grounded by the trusts and big business.
“You are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Any time you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life, you're capable of doing that by choosing different thoughts.”

Any nation could not be under developed because the nation does not work. Certainly, the people in it constituent the labor force and therefore a nation is said to be developed and free not because the country can be the labor but because the people and the mind could be induced to attract and put those resources into used. As a class or independent nation, they are where they are because they do not do things in a certain way. It’s as a result  of the ‘’ wow factor”
Whilst the majority call for a change, the same majority is, perhaps don’t want to change the status quo to meet demand.
 Across the world, new forms are constantly being made, and older ones are dissolving, but all are
shapes assumed by one thing – the thought of man. The energy that produces the power to all transformation.
Few things could hinder the peace, development and progress of a nation if not checked. Whilst majority call for prayer for God’s intervention, others think its politician who are the change agents and therefore should be held liable to every single predicament confronting the nation.
We must know that, it is neither the ‘’politician’’ nor the government, but an individual mindset. Politician is an etymology of the greek word ‘’polichre’’, or ‘’policia’’ which means a good citizen of a country, a public servant who takes care of state properties and seek it well being.

These is but not all, major factors disturbing 
  1. Educated illiterate
  2. Fake pastors
  3. The media
  4.  Lack of systems and institutions
  5.   culture
  6. Politicians
  7. The home/family
  8. Procrastination
  9.  Ignorance

Nothing is permanent except change. Life resembles a great kaleidoscope before which time is ever shifting, changing and rearranging both the stage setting and the players. New friends are constantly replacing the old. Everything is in a state of flux. In every heart is the seed of both rascality and justice. Every human being is both a criminal and a saint, depending upon the expediency of the moment as to which will assert itself. Honesty and dishonesty are largely matters of individual viewpoint. The weak and the strong, the rich and the poor, the ignorant and the well-informed are exchanging places continuously.
Know YOURSELF and you know the entire human race. There is but one real achievement, and that is the ability to THINK ACCURATELY. We move with the procession, or behind it, but we cannot stand still.
NOTHING is permanent except change and the change is EDUCATION, not schooling.
What is education? The questions most people often perhaps don’t understand and abuse it. To answer the question.Information is education. If you get the right information, you’ll get the right education and vice versa. Today, our term education, is now limited to only the ‘classroom’ way of learning. To think of education in this regards only, is to be narrow minded, parochial and schizophrenic in thinking, perhaps. Education goes beyond the classroom. It started right when you were born. For instance; how did you know that, as a child, to sit in your own faeces is bad ? Probably, It is because your mother normally takes you from it anytime you defecate on yourself. Initially, when you defecate, you sit right where you defecated until your mother or whoever comes, to lift you from it. And as a result, by simple observation you begin to withdrew from the faeces anytime you defecate. Occasionally, Now you move away anytime you do it without the help of any one. How did you know? You knew it is not good to sit in the faeces because, you implant into your subconscious mind, by simple observation and what your mum or whoever tells you. If you had not been told or observed your guardians actions, possibly, you would still sit in your faeces even as you grow. So you see, by this simple analogy, the education process begins right from the infant stage of your life.
Whiles, others claim they have been to school for the formal education, yet are wallowing in ignorance and perplexity.They lack moral values and mediocrity has dominated the mind, and this is what is termed as EDUCATED ILLITERATED. The behavior of someone could raised a lot of questions in your mind. An acclaimed man who is supposed to be educated hitherto, drink water in a sachet and leave it on the street. Such a person could probably gone to school but had not been educated. The broader scope and concept of education is the transformation of the mind, an exude of moral values, excellence and attitude that does not pose as a danger to properties or people. The bible asserted, ‘therefore add to knowledge faith, and to faith self control add to self control brotherly love …’’
 Alvin Tafler was right when he asseryted, The illiterate of the twenty first century would not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot change. I agree with him. Education is responding to change when you need to. But it is obvious that most people go through the educational process just like a sound perambulating object. They passed through the formal school system; primary, junior high, senior high (Grade 1-12) and the tertiary just because others, perchance, their friends are exhibiting it.This group of people are again prognosticated us educated illiterate disturbing the nations. They’ve been to school to get the formal education nonetheless they behave as though they had not been educated. They sometimes, use the media to amplify their message and end up ‘mis-educating’ the public. The average man who refuse to think about the subject under discussion takes the information us true and that begins the ‘mis-education’ process. Charles Tremendus Jones wrote ‘’ once mind once stretched never regains it elasticity’’. Across the human race, there are educated illiterates who are serving as a canker and its disturbing the nations. Such of these behave as though they had attended the ‘’so-called’’ university, but still behave and crawl like the toddler. They serve in government departments, commissions, Consulates, aviation and other higher places of duties. What this means is that, whilst they’ve gone through the formal education process as in the case of schooling, most still lives in deprived communities in their mind. If the mind is not transformed they is no education. That is why a country like Ghana is well endowed with all the finest natural resources but under developed. Why could a country rich as compare to this, has it economy being funded by almost 50% of donor capital. The recession is eminent!.
The independence of the future is meaningless until it is linked up to the total liberation of the present generations. The future starts now. Yesterday ended last time. And if there is a tomorrow, it waits for those who are not yet born but not to even a day old child.
Transformation is the watch dog. And change follows and finally the education set in.

1.     Indiscipline
2.     Inability to submit to changes
3.     Selfishness ( they put self first instead of other first , and self second)
4.     Lack of continuous education( inability to learn)
5.     Lack of commitment to a fault.
Among the educated illiterates, they talk more than solving the problem. There is no end for education. The man who says he’s finish the education process is liable to be pronounce as dead. A completion of the formal education process as related to high schools or tertiary is not the end of the education process. That is only the starting points of the learning process.
In all your endeavors, remember; SERVICE TO GOD and COUNTRY.

Be careful, God cannot be mocked but what ever a man sow, he shall reap, the Bible asserted. But perhaps this group of people flaws on these words, and rather used it to their advantage. A country cannot be govern, by prophecy, but rather could be by the wisdom and knowledge of Christ. Now, preachers, especially those of colleague Christian faith take advantage of their office and do dubious things behind the scene and go scout free;maybe in the sight of man but surely not that of God. Others, to some extent, extend it to the government. Today, you here of a preacher shout and claim to be filled with the spirit of God to robbed others. This is a cheap propaganda way to parade Christianity. No wonder the Bible made mention of them. Another, time they declare that war would be here and another hour, this same people asked for money as a sacrifice to avert the cause.
Not withstanding, not all are bad or fake. The GOOD ones are around but the bad nuts had shadowed the good ones.
Whiles the new covenant teaches that, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, perhaps some preachers still holds on to the old law ; a tooth for a tooth , an eye for an eye. For me, this is not Christianity but rather, a different theology being preached altogether. Maybe, I may termed it as, ‘’REVENGE CHRISTIANITY’’. Whiles the fake pastors are following them and wining others to join. No wonder, the Bible asserted, ‘’ not all who called ‘’Jesus Jesus’’, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Whiles one is called genuinely to into the work of God, others are only money-minded.
They twist the scriptures to suit them. Apostle Alfred Kodua helped me more with this when he explained it in his book ‘’Who is disturbing the church’’ ‘’While such money minded church leaders sometimes embezzle church money, others are not accountable to anybody since the church is their private company. After, acquiring money from such questionable sources, these church leaders usher themselves into wanton materialism. They are also usually caught up in the trap of Neophilism, which is  the excessive love of new things. This, they do, by purchasing the latest cars, musical instruments, dresses and many other things. Before long, such pastors and church leaders are caught in the web of consumerism, which describes the effects of equating personal happiness with purchasing material possession and consumption. For such pastors and church leaders, there is nothing like ‘’Godliness with contentment...’’ ( 1 Timothy 6:6). They project their affluence to the masses to suggest to them that material acquisitions is a sign of God’s blessing irrespective of how it was acquired.’’ Obviously, such people are disturbing the nations and God’s church. The people are constantly fighting for freedom from the menace of these people. Paul considers such fake pastors and church leaders as not serving God but their own stomachs. He wrote ‘’ i urge you brothers and sisters to watch out for those who cause division and obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites(interest). By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people’’ (Romans 16:17-18) it is sad these persons are found in the Christian ministry and disturbing the nation.
All across the world, there is a demand for change. Pastors are require to preach the gospel in a contemporary language and present to their members to assimilate. Imam should do like wise.
If this canker is not treated, a whole nation could be poison and walk in redundancy. We may pray and fast, but ones these bad nut are still not eliminated we will still wallow in the circle of abundance and experience zero progress. If a pastor have a solution to a national problem, let us examine his demeanor before allowing for such honor. An unexamine life is not worth living
a.     Personal leadership
b.     Institutional Leadership.
The Bible affirmed, out of the unseen comes the seen. If the personal cannot lead himself what shows he/she can lead to solve the problem at hand.

Paul wrote in 1 timothy 3:1-7,; ‘’3:1This is a faithful saying: if a man seek the office of an overseer , he desires a good work. 3:2The overseer therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching; 3:3not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; 3:4one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence; 3:5(but if a man doesn’t know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the assembly of God?) 3:6not a new convert, lest being puffed up he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.
3:7 Moreover he must have good testimony from those who are outside, to avoid falling into reproach and the snare of the devil’’.
You see, if there is no self leadership, his advice with relation to the demeanor is doom.

The media is now a strong tool in all aspect of life. Ranging from governance to business. Nonetheless, the media is disturbing the nation. Whilst its helping the nation they concentrate on the profit aspect compared to the development of the nation. They allow influx of ‘unhygienic adverts to hit their screens. Nowadays, fetish priest are allowed to advertise for customers. Yes, I understood that very well. Freedom of associations and freedom to do business. But we must know that freedom goes with responsibilities.A flash of an image can can be a memory in your mind. Jules Carlysle (1970) put it right, Opportunity for reflection is a scarcity in today's world, dominated as it is by visual media such as television, which fires a constant stream of images at you, point-blank. And even if you are quick with the mute, pause or rewind button, the visual stream still requires continuous mental processing and or spoon-feeding as the case may be.We are so clearly manipulated and influenced by the media of establishments on both right and left, that the truth has become hopelessly lost in semantics’’.
The African-American Muslim cleric and militant black nationalist leader, Malcolm X (1925 - 1965), also known as Malcolm Little or El-Shabazz, once said the media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that is power.’’ Alfed Koduah avowed in his book, Who is disturbing the nation. This is by all standards a profound statement considering the influence the media exerts on the life of people in contemporary society. The nation as a subset of the larger universe (society) has also undoubtedly been impacted by the media.
Media exploitation is at its best in reality TV where fantasies of excitement and sex are fulfilled. The MTV, which promotes personal sexual freedom, has tried to glorify lust, sex and vanity by deconstructing the notion that the seven deadly sins of the Bible are actually sinful. On the other hand, television screens, sexual immorality is often depicted in a way that makes sin appear attractive and, sometimes, even compelling. People are to be aware of this subtle deception so that they are not taken unaware.
‘’One fact that television viewers have to know is that, what they are watching have been edited to suit what the producers would want them to see. They should, therefore, not feel that they are watching very ‘’true scenes’’. Francis Schaeffer points out,
‘’ television manipulates viewers by it normal way of operating. Many viewers seem to assume that when they have seen something on TV, they have seen it with their own eyes...But this is not so, for one must never forget that every television minute has been edited. The viewer does not seen the event. He sees...an edited symbol or an edited image of that event. An aura and objectivity and truth is built up, which could not be totally the case even if the people shooting the film were completely neutral’’.
Apostle Alfred Kodua acknowledge, In contemporary popular culture, people live their lives through a series of television characters (or shadows of characters), in which changing of channels has become the model for them to experience real life. As a result, moral and spiritual anchorage is lost. ‘this is because television, by its nature, relentlessly displays a pseudo-world of discontinuity and fragmentation in which within a minute, a sad story that needs sober reflection is followed by a lively advertisement for Disneyland ,followed an appeal to purchase an irresistible enticing lady’s underwear and so on. Such a situation is what Neil Postman calls ‘’peek a-boo world’’ where ‘’now this event, now that pops into view for a moment, then vanishes again’’, or a visual environment lacking coherence, consisting of ever-shifting, artificial-linked images, resting in a world without coherence or sense.
Though not undermining the good and strong contribution and the positive impact of the media in our lives. But as far as the television is concern, it has also act and promote a corrupt lifestyle by its incessant entertainment imperatives. It entertainment  mentality has even permeated Christians thought to the extent that some pastors feel that sermons must be ‘’light and informal’’. With liberal sprinkling of ‘’humor and anecdotes’’. Tom Raabe, however, points out that ‘’ the truth is that truth, and the most important truth, is often not entertaining. An entertainment mentality will insulates us from many hard but necessary truths.The concept of sin, repentance and hell, for instance cannot be presented as entertaining without robbing them of their intrinsic meaning’’.
As part of the media, the Newspaper is not an exceptions. With the frame work of contemporary popular culture, there has been the proliferation of newspaper covering  virtually every aspect of life; ranging from business, politics, family and lifestyle, education, sports, health, showbiz and even sex. Though this competition has made journalist innovative in reporting and presentation of reportage, others have lowered their standard by publishing false or forged stories to sabotage others. This act alone can cause an uprising in a nation and this is disturbing the nation. In order to survive, they sell their integrity and professional ethics to publishing culturally unwholesome , inappropriate and unsubstantiated stories.
In this act, the radio is not also and exception.
All these acts are what is disturbing the nation.

John Maxwell pointed out in his book, 15 invaluable laws of growth, ‘’if you want to develop strategy, depend on systems’’. Michael Gerber wrote in his book The E-Myth, ‘’ systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably.’’
In life what others tell you is not but is repeat for a long time you turned to believe it.

John L. Mason wrote in his book An enemy called average ‘’It would be useless for the sheep to pass a resolution in favor of vegetarianism whilst the wolf is of a different opinion’’. I believe in the rule of law. All the functions and institution must work to improve the economy. ‘’One is too small a number to achieve greatness’’ claimed John C. Maxwell.
Mr. A man who happens to be a police officer would not change the rule for the entry requirement for new recruits because his nephew is below that category of people. This is quite equivalent to murder. Let me get to any government agency office or any other office and I would see the right people right there on time. Mr. B. get to work at 10:00am because the work is a government work. This is a disease that must be eliminated. In the words of Mother Theresa ‘’ Together as one, we can achieve great things’’. Heaven and earth was not built in a day. A little here and a little there we will achieve the right goal. I mean a collective responsibility. This reminds of an experience I had in a vehicle – I sat in a bus with a man, say is about 47 years of age or more, from Dansoman to Santa Maria, all a Suburb in Accra, the capital city of Ghana . This man who I thought is old enough to father me. This man was reading a book and the chapter of the book is ‘International business relations’. He bought a groundnut from the vendor and started eating in the bus. The man as I observed, to my amusement, he ate and threw the waste of the groundnut to the pavements of the road. I observed closely, thinking, he may not be aware of his unusual behavior but as I alerted him and advice, he should rather leave the waste in the polythene and later dump it in a refuse bin, which is better to throwing it on the road, he responded with the answer ‘’ I know that it is wrong and what you’re advising on, is good but I enjoyed doing it -that is spreading the waste on the road’’. He just proved his ignorance and fall in the category of ‘educated illiterate’ . I was really shocked and perplexed. You could see how a man of that age, could be mentally locked in mental dungeon and morally bankrupt . Obviously age is inevitable but maturity is optional. And if there could have been a police or the system put in place, I am sure this man who could probably, suffering from mental paralysis or dementia would not act in that manner.
Let everyone, be the enforcer of the law. Let’s do it, process by process, person by person in our own small way, we’ll achieve the target goal. The government is you and I.
I asked my mentor , Mr. Prince Kofi Amoabeng, in an interview prior to this book:
‘’Please, looking at you way back in the military, what make you resign from such a noble and good paid profession to struggle in order to established your company-UT Bank?
He answered ‘ I love the military. It was a very nice environment to be. Yes, I agree that, I was a simple public or civil servant. I had no intention to get out of the army at all. But because of the coups and things like that I felt this was not the army I had joined. A system where senior army officers salute junior officers, I could not stand it. The coup was mitigated by junior officers as corporals against senior officers. And all of a sudden you see them taking over the hem of affairs but I love my country enough to stay in the country. And no one can kick me out of my own country. Because I know the army is an orderly institution. But I just cannot conformed to the uprising and dishonoring and the system was broken I just had to pack and leave. Suppose the systems were working I would just stay there and conform. I like systems. Everybody, knows what to do. What to expect… what the next person should do… and what you should do in relation to the next person and I love it. And I want to compete with these systems… but to answer your question-since the systems were not working I got frustrated and that actually put me on the path to entrepreneurship. Lack of system thus proper order disturbs a nation.
On the other side, because Africa and to the specific Ghana hasn’t got the system and people are corrupt ( or morally bankrupt) and people don’t want to respect other person, that’s how come I really want to start something to correct the anomalies. So you see, respect is also part of making the system to work’’. Policies are made yet not implemented. We have thrown away values. We have more schools yet less education. We are morally derailed. If the institutions work everything will move on well. The waste problems in the country is cause by ourselves. Mr. A drinks a sachet of water and throws it on the street and expecting Mr. B to sweep but Mr. B. will not. The traffic light on red but the driver would still think he is wiser than the system so he will not obey the traffic rules and the road safety regulations, few meters away, he knocked someone down or involved in fatal accident, all of a sudden we begin to blame the devil and say to the bereaved family ‘’Nyame na oma, Nyame na ogye’’ in a local Akan tribe in Ghana literally translated ‘God gives and is God who takes’’. It took some ones carelessness, to lose a life on earth and there we are saying ‘God gives and God takes’. Collective responsibility- let’s put the system in place and obey it. Our nation and continent would transform.
‘’when I was traveling to Nigeria, the immigration officers attempted to pull me out of the queue in Ghana, but I said, ‘’No!’’ they insisted and I said, ‘’No! No! No! leave me alone, I am comfortable.’’after all, there were just about twenty people ahead of me. I don’t feel better than them, if they are queuing, we will all queue. I came to the airport on time but unfortunately and especially in Africa we want to feel we are different from the others, so we make people wait on us. If as a leader you don’t go through the mill, so to speak, and you’re treated preferentially, you wont understand the grill your people go through. So when I go to the cafeteria, I will queue. Because I don’t want to go and they served me special…but I will queue…how long it takes, take my food like everybody else…make sure the process is deserving of people because if you have a problem with it then it means that everybody has a problem with it. If you don’t come to that cafeteria and you don’t queue and you don’t suffer like anybody else…you don’t know the depth of the suffering from which you want to deliver the people you lead. When I finish eating, I clear the table, not just my space. I don’t complain. People see want I’ve done so they do what I did the next time. You see, if you are leading, you should lead by example if you want to change people from their bad ways’’.


Culture they say is a way of life. ‘’But that way of life if is not helping calls for a different approach and way of doing things. The world is in constant motion. It will not wait for you. You either give up or move with it’’ claimed Dr. Gift Dansoa Anti. We have rich culture as a continent , from food to dressing and way of managing our life and institutions. But if the need be, we can adopt others culture but should not deteriorate ours. Let us not confuse chieftaincy with management. But it seems that is what I see. We have a good sense of humor, hospitality and relations. But some have rather trade away values for nothing. Some have been like, Judas Iscariot who traded his values for just thirty pieces of silver. In the words of Prince Kofi Amoabeng during an interview section with him and as was written by Daniel Amusu, in his book Living naked-the wit and wisdom of Prince Kofi Amoabeng ‘’African by nature…by our upbringing...our culture… we are difficult to deal with, as a people. we have to accept the fact that in general we are a bad lot. This is arguable . There are some very good people but overall you can’t trust the average African. The rot has really eaten into our moral fabric to the extent that our education has deteriorated. The kind of people we churn out, not only are their values wrong but their education is tainted. They are shallow, they want to be rich quick and they don’t want to even wait to build their career…it is difficult. So even though we can say that Africa labour is cheap, it is in reality expensive. So it is a tough thing, but that doesn’t mean that one can’t achieve the little bit that one can. But I am not deterred. That is why I’ve been emphasizing that the system should work, we can weed out the bad nut. I don’t mind having a high turnover of employees. Eventually you’ll get the right people who are not that bad and can carry the company to the next level.
Unfortunately, you can’t be in charge of all the people and you have to delegate. As soon as you delegate another black person, be very careful. Because he is going to sit on all the trash or the wrong’’.   
To change your attitude and way of life. Change your environment. Clear your mind.read to broaden your knowledge, and let go of all the superstition. Get the experience and believe that it is well. No one has achieve success without, believing in himself. Cultivate good morals, hold unto your values and be discipline to a fault. Your values determine your personality. Corruption should be out. Make a choice – a good one of cause. A choice to change a fault. And finally, take the necessary action. An informed determination that you will not give up and together Africa and for the exact, Ghana would be a better place.
Here is the Cultural Process declared to me by Albert Ocran,
      Environment – what happens around you
      Knowledge – what you know
      Experience – what you go through
      Beliefs – what  you accept as true
      Values we lack , moral & moral – what you treasure
      Choices–what you decide to do
      Actions–what you actually do

Who is a politician? The subject of governance and political science tells us, they are people who studied the science of governance and normally in charge of ruling a state or country.
Etymologically, the word, politician comes from the greek word , Polichre which means a good citizen of a country.  A public servant responsible for keeping and over seeing state or government properties. A case study of a good and loyal politician from the biblical perspective is Daniel. The bible asserted, he was without fault and an excellent spirit is in him.
Daniel 6:1-7
6:1 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom one hundred twenty satraps, who should be throughout the whole kingdom;
 6:2and over  them three presidents, of whom Daniel was one; that these satraps might give account to them, and that the king should have no damage.
 6:3Then this Daniel was distinguished above the presidents and the satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.
6:4Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault, because he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
6:5Then these men said, we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.
 6:6Then these presidents and satraps assembled together to the king, and said thus to him, King Darius, live forever.
6:7All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counselors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, except of you, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Ablade Glover painted, or Ephraim Amu composed music, or Atukwei Okai wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job excellently.(Prince Kofi Amoabeng, 2014)”
Every man is but politician. Those we call politician are the very people we elect to represent us in decision making.Remove the fear. There is an alternative to surrendering to fear: Taking responsibility for ourselves. Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace, for example, starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.
Before we allow total chaos to envelope our continent, we should remember three things:
1. The cost to humanity of letting Africa sink into bloody anarchy will be extremely high
2. The benefits of helping build Africa into a stable peaceful socioeconomic
Power house are potentially very great
3. The cost of initiating this progressive movement are relatively low.
We must know that a call to leadership is a call to self denials. Let politician ( every man) exude the attitude and ethics of Daniel. And let these be your attitude;
·        An excellent spirit – being diligence in all your transactions.
·        Integrity
·        Respect for all
·        Country first, self last

When the family fall apart the nation is in division, this probably confirms Chenua Achebe, when he point out, ‘’things may fall apart when the center does not hold’’. Indeed, the nation would fall when the family does not hold.The cliché Charity begins at home is not only true but also a strong statement that guide and have a strong effects on us. As Elmer Towns asked John C. Maxwell,’’Do you know how to make a poker hot?’’Elmer asked. ‘’Put it next to the fire.’’ He then went on to explain that we’re like the metal in a poker. If our environment is cold, we’re cold. If it’s hot, we’re hot.’’ If you want to grow, ‘’he said, ‘’ then spend time with great people ; visit great places; attend great places, read great books; listen to great tapes’’. And the family is one of such a great thing. Research made by social psychologist Dr. David McCleland of Harvard, the people with whom you habitually associate are called your ‘’reference group,’’ and these people determine as much us ninety five per cent of your success or failure in life. It obvious, the family is a place we all lived together. No way could a man abandon his/her family totally. King Solomon of Israel wrote, ‘’ walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm’’. The choices you make today might/ was influence by a family member.
Dorothy Law Nolte wrote that children learn what they are taught. She wrote;
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel envy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative.
 If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If children live with recognition, they learn to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn to be generous.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live.
With what is your child living with?
The family is a great place. Let the family be that great institution people would learn from. Treat it like not a home for values and virtues and it would disturb the nation.

Often, we hear that procrastination is a thief of time. Procrastination robs you of opportunity. The practitioners of these disturb the nation more seriously than anything. It is a significant fact that no great leader was ever known to procrastinate. You are fortunate if AMBITION drives you into action, never permitting you to falter or turn back, once you have rendered a DECISION to go forward. Second by second, as the clock ticks off the distance TIME is running a race with YOU. Delay means defeat, because no man may ever make up a second of lost TIME. It’s that heals the wounds of temporary defeat, and equalizes the inequalities and rights the wrongs of the world.  TIME is a master worker indded, it turned failure and disappointment and rights all wrongs and turns all mistakes into assets, but, it favors only those who kill off procrastination and remain in ACTION when decisions are to made.

There is no such thing called limitation in the minds of those who are willing to overcome their affliction. There is no limitation to the mind except for those who acknowledge it,
There is nothing "Impossible" with time! ‘’No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes’’. Wrote Napoleon Hill.  If you want to progress, then you must not be a victim for this. Things that are to be done must be done in it right and set time than to postponed it. Any one who practices this habit is not only fit to be called lazy but a carbon copy of failure.
   Procrastination is a deadly enemy of all who would become leaders in any undertaking.
      You have to eliminate this habit by:
·        Doing some definite and useful thing each day, without anyone telling me to do it.
·        Searching until I find at least one thing that I can do each day that I have not been in the habit of doing and that will be of value to others.
·        Telling at least one other person, each day, of the value of practicing this habit of doing something that ought to be done without being told to do it.
It is obvious, a time wasted is an opportunity and every opportunity lost is life’s diminishes. Refuse to used the time available to mentor, nurture and developed your gift and you’ll be buried in the grave of doomed. The funeral attendant would definitely be your mates – poverty, failure etc.
Life is a great checker-board. The player opposite you is TIME.
If you hesitate you will be wiped off the board. If you keep moving you may win. The only real assets is TIME, but it is assets only when used.

You may be shocked if you keep accurate account of the TIME you waste in a single day.
Take a look at the picture above if you wish to know the fate of all who play carelessly with TIME.
THE picture at top page tells a true story of one of the chief causes of FAILURE!
One of the players is “TIME” and the other is Mr. Average Man; let us call him YOU.
Shift by shift Time has wiped off Mr. Average Man’s men until he is finally cornered, where Time will get him, no matter which way he moves. INDECISION has driven him into the corner.
· · · · · · · ·
The great leaders of the world were men and women of quick decision.

Ask any well informed business and right thinking man and he will tell you that indecision is the outstanding weakness of the majority of people. Every right thinking man is familiar with that time-worn excuse, “I will think it over,” which is the last trench-line of defense of those who have not the courage to say either yes or no. Like the player in the picture above, they cannot decide which way to move. Meanwhile, Time forces them into a corner where they can't move.
Oh! The “Old Man Procrastination” stands within the shadow of every human being, waiting his opportunity to spoil one’s chances of success. Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the “time to be right” to start doing something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.


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